“For your strength does not depend on numbers, nor your might on the powerful. But you are the God of the lowly, helper of the oppressed, upholder of the weak, protector of the forsaken, saviour of those without hope.”’
Judith 9:11
This one-day retreat will be an opportunity for people in and around the Diocese of Leeds to encounter Jesus as their Hope, bringing themselves as they are to the God who is powerful in our lowliness, and weakness - God, who is hope. As we come together, we ask for open hearts like Judith, trusting and believing that He does not need us to be strong in order to heal, restore and lavish us with His love.
Join us for a jam-packed day of prayer, teaching, friendship, and fun as we open ourselves to new opportunities to encounter the love, mercy and compassion of God as we journey as pilgrims of hope during this great year of jubilee in the Church.