From the end of August 2023, to the end of August 2024, a generous donor has agreed to match-fund every donation we receive, up to £35,000!

This is an incredible opportunity to raise money to help the mission of Youth 2000 to continue growing and reach even more people across the UK.

It is our hope and prayer that this matchfunding campaign would be about more than fundraising: it would be an opportunity to increase awareness of the mission of Youth 2000, inviting more young adults to encounter Jesus.


Youth 2000 has been providing Catholic retreats and events to young adults across the UK since 1990 and we hope to continue for many more years to come!

Every year, we receive more requests for sponsored places to our events and we never want money to be a barrier to stop someone from potentially having an encounter with Jesus!

The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness of the mission of Youth 2000, (while raising as much money as possible!) to help young people from across the UK begin or strengthen their relationship with Jesus at a Youth 2000 retreat.

ways you can GET INVOLVED


Prayer is the easiest and the most important way to support the mission. Pray and encourage others to pray - it costs nothing and God always hears us! Why not pray a decade of the Rosary once a week for the intention of Youth 2000? You may also wish to pray the Youth 2000 Vision Prayer.


This can take many forms - parish appeals, challenges, birthday fundraisers, cake sales, etc! Set up your JustGiving page here: www.justgiving.com/campaign/youth2000 and let us know what you are planning by emailing info@youth2000.org so we can provide support.


A simple way to help is to look at your existing standing order and discern if you would be able to increase this. Even an extra £1 a month would make a difference! Are you able to increase this? If you are a tax-payer, please also check if we can claim gift-aid on your donations! If so, please contact louisa.mayne@youth2000.org.


You can make a donation via our JustGiving page, this is quick, easy and secure and will help towards our target - www.justgiving.com/campaign/youth2000.